Five more hotels in Uzbekistan received assistance as part of the campaign "From a Pure Heart"

Five more hotels in Uzbekistan received assistance as part of the campaign

As we have already noted, the Association of private tourism agencies of Uzbekistan (APTA), in partnership with the Tashkent International Clinic, launched a charitable campaign "From a Pure Heart", the main task of which is to support representatives of the country's tourism industry in this difficult period.

Today, representatives of the hotel business are at the forefront of the fight against the COVID-19 coronavirus and its consequences, along with medical workers, who provide their accommodation facilities for quarantine for arriving citizens from foreign countries and organizing a self-isolation regime for those who wish. Accordingly, the safety measures must be at the highest level.

Wearing protective masks, checking body temperature, observing social distance - all these measures are strictly in force at present in functioning accommodation facilities in Uzbekistan. And accordingly, the need for personal protective equipment and antiseptics remains high.

On Monday, within the framework of the campaign "From a Pure Heart", representatives of the APTA and the Tashkent International Clinic carried out another useful event. The action covered five more hotels, which received packages of personal protective equipment and antiseptic agents.

The necessary protective equipment received:
✅Asia Tashkent Hotel
✅Krokus Plaza
✅Orient Inn Hotel
✅Shodlik Palace
✅Golden Valley Hotel
The action "From a pure heart" is gaining momentum and useful events and meetings will certainly continue, including in the regions of our country.
Only together and harmoniously can we confront and overcome danger difficult period for the tourism industry of Uzbekistan.